**Originally posted @
ReadingDiva's Blog**
REVIEW: I haven’t read a fantasy book in a while and I was quite happy when the review opportunity came knocking. I love stories where characters are surrounded by magic, conflict and an enigmatic world that makes my imagination flow. The Sorcery Code is the perfect story to start my year and bring back my love for fantasy.
The Sorcery Code is a nicely crafted story where magic, power and conflicts rule. The world author Zales created is fascinating, interesting and intriguing. A society ruled by sorceress and where magic was supposed to be used for good but where corruption and entitlement forced the poor to stay poor and the sorcerers be more powerful and rich.
The interesting thing about the Sorcery Code is that is written in different points of view, giving the reader a taste of each character’s experiences & emotions. The plot is well crafted, a society where sorcery determine your level of power, your wealth and your future while oppression on the less fortunate widens and creates political conflicts and rebellion.
The characters are intriguing and interesting, Blaise though young is caring, ambitious and brilliant. Gala was my favorite, her innocence and open minded attitude created the needed balance between serious and fun. Gala’s new discoveries made me think of people’s first time experiences. First time eating a chocolate cake, first time savoring a delicious cherry pie, experiencing the first kiss. I loved how delicate yet strong and intelligent her character is. Augusta, ambitious beautiful and intelligent. Barson, handsome, ruthless and confident. Each of these characters give the story something that makes it unique, enticing and captivating.
Overall, The Sorcery Code captured my interest and I wasn’t able to stay off the pages for long. The author did a great job describing, and giving the needed detail to transport the reader to a world of magic and conflicts, while making this story fun and romantic. I am looking forward to reading the next book, I am not sure why I picture Blaise as another Mr. Darcy!